On December 7, 2023, Minister Loewen, Minister of Forestry and Parks, announced the Province’s $5 million contribution towards providing municipalities with financial assistance to construct fireguards in high-risk communities across the province and integrating livestock grazing as a guard maintenance tactic and economic opportunity. The aim is to create safer communities to mitigate the repercussions of wildfires and foster wildfire resilience throughout the province.

On April 29, 2024, Minister Loewen announced an additional $14 million for the Community Fireguard Program.

The purpose of the program is to support the Provincial FireSmart Program initiative by funding the construction of community fireguards that provide for enhanced public safety and improved protection of at-risk communities.

Applications may be submitted by municipalities; Métis Settlements, Co-operatives, Enterprise or Community Locals; and Alberta First Nations. Prioritized projects will be based on community risk level, technically effective design, cost-effectiveness and project readiness. Proposed projects may permit livestock grazing as a means of on-going and longer-term vegetation management.

Two Requests for Proposals have been announced for “Phase 1: Planning” project funding requests (in March and August of 2024).

Two Requests for Proposals has been announced for “Phase 2: Construction” project funding (in August and November of 2024). Several priority projects that were ready to begin field operations in the fall of 2024 or winter of 2025 have been approved for funding.

A third Request for Proposals for “Phase 2: Construction” projects was initiated on February 4, 2025, open to the current project proponents engaged in Phase 1:Planning projects under the Community Fireguard Program. This RFP will remain open as long as funding remains available. The RFP information package can be downloaded here.