Project Code: CANFOR-01-035
Program: FRIP
Area:Applied Research
Sponsor:Canadian Forest Products

Object & Deliverables

The primary goal of this Project was the provision of increased scientific data on the population dynamics of flying squirrels and red-backed voles, and habitat use by mule deer.

Specific objectives included determining the population responses of flying squirrels and red-backed voles to a range of lodgepole pine stand densities [500, 1000, 2000 stems/ha]; determining relative habitat use by deer in these stand treatments for summer and winter periods; and conducting a 15 year re-measurement of growth & yield structure attributes.

The tenure of this Project covered the period October 2000 to March 2004, however the study itself commenced in 1988 and is in its fifteenth year.


Final Report

Project results are contained in two Annual Reports [2000/01 & 2001/02], one Field Report [2002/03] and one Final Technical Report [2002/03]; and five scientific manuscripts published during the years 2000 & 2001- all of which are detailed in the April 6, 2004 Final Report Summary.

Habitat Use
Population Dynamics
Small Mammals
Varied Densities
Lodgepole Pine Stands
Mule Deer

