Project Code: WEYDV-02-031
Program: FRIP
Area:Applied Research
Sponsor:Weyerhaeuser Company Limited
Region:Rocky Mountain House. Nordegg
Project Status:Complete

The project collected fish population and habitat data in prioritized areas of the Eastern Slopes. It utilized the guiding principles of the Cooperative Fisheries Inventory Programs coordinated by the Alberta Conservation Association (ACA) and the Alberta Environmental Protection/Fisheries Management Division (NRS) in North Western Alberta. The specific objectives were to gather data on fish populations and aquatic habitats in prioritized areas of the Rocky Mountain House and Nordegg Districts and input this data into a standardized database. Data collected included description of fish habitat types, fish species composition, and population status. This information will be stored in a standardized (GIS compatible) database that will be presented in routinely updated map formats. Information on fish population and aquatic habitats from collected from 12 high priority drainages in the Rocky Mountain House and Nordegg Districts and consisted of 189 inventory sites within the Weyerhaeuser’s Drayton Valley FMA and Sunpine Forest Products Limited FMA. In addition, Rocky Wood Preservers submitted fish population and aquatic habitat data from 66 sites in streams within their timber quota area. This information was recorded in the GIS compatible database and was supplied back to the timber companies so that it could be incorporated into their development and planning process. The final report was submitted by Calvin McLeod and Kevin Gardiner in May 1999. The report is entitled, “Rocky Mountain House and Nordegg Districts Cooperative Fisheries Inventory Program (CFIP) 1998 Annual Report”.