Project Code: WEYGP-01-081
Program: FRIP
Area:Field Operations
Sponsor:Weyerhaeuser Canada Ltd.

Object & Deliverables

The overall goal of this Project was to locate/combat localized incursions of the Mountain Pine Beetle from nearby source areas in British Columbia.

Specific objectives included monitoring the extent of beetle migration into Alberta from the source area in British Columbia, and controlling the establishment of any beetle populations in the Willlmore Wilderness Park and immediate environs.

Mountain Pine Beetle monitoring and control activities were carried out in the years 2002, 2004, 2005,and 2006.


Final Report

Project results are summarized in a ten page report entitled “Final Report – Mountain Pine Beetle Control in North Western Alberta 2002 to 2006”.


Weyerhaeuser Company Limited
North Western Alberta
Monitoring/Locating Incursions
Mountain Pine Beetle
Control Activities