Project Code: SUNPIN-01-004
Program: FRIP
Sponsor:Sundre Forest Products (Sunpine)
Project Status:Completed

Object & Deliverables

The primary objective of this program was to enhance forest education and awareness opportunities for teachers and students in central Alberta. Educational opportunities focused on the development and use of a demonstration forest south of Rocky Mountain House. Specific project objectives were as follows:

  • Provision of a self-interpretive site for educating the public about forestry;
  • Provision of a site and programming so educator preparation time and student time could be minimized and maximized, respectively;
  • Education of educators so they could apply their expertise in teaching newly learned forestry concepts;
  • Education of students in an outdoor learning environment.

Final Report


The results of this project are contained in a document entitled “FRIAA Final Technical and Financial Report – SUNPIN-01-04 – Development of the Des Crossley Demonstration Forest.”

