Project Code: DMI-01-024
Area:Applied Research
Sponsor:Daishowa Marubeni

The primary purpose of this Study was to determine the impacts of high and low skidder traffic areas on aspen sucker density and height growth.

Objectives included describing the soil enviroment along a catena in a natural undisturbed state and post-harvest under three levels of skidder impact; and the description/relationship of post-harvest aspen sucker production & the early growth of naturally regenerated and planted suckers to the soil environment.

The Study was commenced in November of 1999 and the final report completed in March 2002. Its results are contained in a thirty-seven page manuscript entitled "Impacts of Skidding on Soils and Aspen Regeneration Along a Catena" and authored by Messrs. Startsev and Greenway.

Aspen Sucker Production
Skidder Impacts
Aspen Harvesting