Project Code: WEYDV-02-038
Sponsor:Weyerhaeuser Company Limited

Weyerhaeuser, Edson and Drayton Valley operations have adopted a management strategy of underplanting aspen stands with white spruce seedlings. This project is a review and synthesis of information and data related to the understory planting of white spruce in aspen stands. The research review focused on stand level growth and yield gains, biological and silviculture efficacy and limitations, conceptual stand dynamics and development, growth and yield trajectories, and design of silvicultural and harvesting options.

The results of the project are summarized in the final report “Underplanting Aspen Stands with White Spruce: Rationale, Strategies and Interpretations of Historical Trials in Alberta.” The report details ecological principles, risk management, management implications and opportunities, silvicultural considerations and methods, and yield estimates for management strategies. It also includes a review and analysis of Canadian Forest Service understory planting trials, as well as data from underplanting trials used to generate growth and yield forecasts and associated management practices.