Project Code: FOOMOD-01-009
Program: FRIP
Area:Applied Research
Sponsor:fRI Research (Various Company Sponsors)
Project Status:Complete

Object & Deliverables


The aim of this project was to help support the Foothills Landscape Management Forum (FLMF) and to assist in various research and intergrated landscape management (ILM) projects for 2012 and 2013. The project enhanced the management of forest resources by providing a continually improved and credible basis for: 1)Integration of the Forest and Oil and Gas sectors; 2)Reducing the industrial footprint on the landscape through ILM access planning; and 3)Identifying and supporting research to improve practices over time. Projects included: A) FLMF management; B) RAD plans for FMA holders; C) Foothills Land Stewardship Project (FLSP); D) Aboriginal participation in caribou recovery strategies; E) Reclamation plan implementation; F) FLMF grizzly bear integrated access management; G) Lineal disturbance assessment; H) Study of physical barriers; I) ILM and linkages to the Land Use Framework (LUF); and J) Little Smoky caribour range planning.

Final Report

Final results are reported in “Final Report: Project FOOMOD-01-009” by Wayne Thorp, Program Lead, FLMF.

