Project Code: ALPAC-01-037
Program: FRIP
Sponsor:Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries
Project Status:Complete
The University of Alberta re-incorporated a Fall Field School – Introduction to Forestry class into their program curriculum for first year students in 2022. Al-Pac decided to support these educational activities by accessing FRIP funds to sponsor several aspects of the program. Areas supported included provision of meals and lodging for a portion of the course and bringing in guest lecture/presenters to provide forestry related information to the students while visiting the Al-Pac mill/FMA area. Al-Pac provided in-kind support through internal staff providing a mill and field tours and presentations as required.
On August 24th, 2022 the UofA Fall Field school students (14) and staff (3) arrived at Al-Pac. They were provided lunch and then were taken on a mill tour followed by presentations by Carson Integrated and Aerium Analytics on harvest planning and technological advancements in data collection regarding forestry. Al-Pac provided supper (smoky roast at Poacher’s Landing) and accommodations for the night in Lac Lac Biche at the Canalta Lodge. On August 25ththe class was taken on a field tour to look at active harvest operations on the Al-Pac FMA. Lunch (Subway) was supplied by Al-Pac. Following the field-day the class returned back to Lac La Biche where Al-Pac provided supper (Boston Pizza) and a second night of accommodations at the Canalta Lodge.
Expenses for the project totalled $9005.13, therefore was under the anticipated budget of $19,000.00. The main reason for the project being significantly under budget was the lower number of students and staff (17) as compared to the anticipated 30 persons. Funds forwarded to Al-Pac over the amount spent will be returned to FRIAA. Overall, it was felt that this project was beneficial to Al-Pac, the U of A Forestry program and the students involved. We will likely seek to repeat this activity again in upcoming years.
  • Final detailed report, educational activities and lectures presented to first year University of Alberta students
