Project Code: ANC-01-050
Program: FRIP
Sponsor:Alberta Newsprint Company

Object & Deliverables

Providing base funding to allow for the Science Coordinator of the Natural Disturbance Program to continue coordinating and reviewing new research and to provide the Communication and Education Manager to begin to formulate a plan to achieve wider acceptance of the natural disturbance concept.


Funds are anticipated to support activities including:

  • LandWeb whose objective is to define coarse-scale NRV for western boreal Canada and create a modelling framework legacy.
  • Neptune which is a web-based decision support system to help design more natural disturbance events will be maintained and reviewed.
  • Historical Disturbance Patterns research which is trying to understand how past cultural disturbance patterns differ from historic wildfire patterns.
  • Wildfire Control research to explore in greater detail what burns and why in boreal wildfires.
  • Wildfire Imagery research to explore how fire maps translate from photo based to imagery based.
  • Fire, Water and Climate research to understand the prevalence of “mixed” fire regimes in the Rocky Mountains and tis relationship to climate and water quality.
  • Natural Range of Variability Short Course would provide and on-line course that helps students to design “natural” disturbance events.
  • Healthy Landscapes / Natural Patterns website dedicated to exploring and understanding natural pattern concepts and applications. This website would be funded from a number of sources including the Government of Saskatchewan, Land Web and Stony 800 projects of the Natural Disturbance Program and four other company funders.


Project Deliverables:

An annual report of activities that occurred during the year including a summary of research projects.


Final Report

The final report was delivered 31 Aug 2016
