Project Code: WEYDV-02-014
Program: FRIP
Area:Inventory and Planning
Sponsor:Weyerhaeuser Company Limited
Project Status:Complete

The project was initiated to evaluate the timber supply in Forest Management Unit W6. The intent was to develop a net land base based on the new Alberta Vegetation Inventory (AVI) that was completed in 1996. The project aimed to develop new yield relationships based on volume sampling data and to estimate the coniferous and deciduous timber supply in the FMU. The results of the timber supply analysis were subsequently reviewed with the W6 working group where several companies had concerns with the analysis. Consequently, Alberta Forest service requested that companies limit their annual rates to the current level granted and conduct a field inventory of stands determined as unproductive and was completed in 1998. In 1999, the Chip Lake fire required a recalculation of the AAC which supported the harvest levels found in this analysis. The final report, entitled “W6 Supply Analysis Final Report, Sub Agreement WEYDV-02-14” was submitted by Neil Stevens, November 1999.