Project Code: WEYDV-02-007
Program: FRIP
Area:Inventory and Planning
Sponsor:Weyerhaeuser Company Limited
Project Status:Complete

The objectives of the project included incorporating the existing W6 AVI data into Weyerhaeuser’s ArcInfo library format, flying 1:60,000 photography and producing 1:15,000 scale digital and hardcopy orthophotos for management units E1, E2 and W5, and producing 1:15,000 scale orthophotos of the W6 management unit. The updated information was provided by AEP to Weyerhaeuser for their use and digital copies provided by Normal Volk. The final report was entitled, “Final Report – WEYDV-02-07, Edson Orthophotos and W6 AVI”, submitted by Norman Volk, August 1998.